

Devotional for 8/17/14

We have heard about the supermoon recently.  It is when the full moon is at it's largest and brightest in our sky.  Actually, it isn't any larger or brighter than at any other time, it just appears to be that way because it is the closest it will come to earth in it's elliptical orbit. But the moon will never outshine our sun.  It is a much greater light in the sky, and actually is the light we see reflecting off the moon.  It is amazing how our solar system works.  All of the lights in our sky were miraculously created by God.

God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.  Genesis 1:16 (NIV)

But there is an even greater light than all the stars, planets and moons.  God took on human form and came to earth as a man.  His preaching brought light to the darkness of the world, just as he brings light to the dark corners of our own lives.

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.  Matthew 4:16 (NIV)

Just as light makes shadows disappear, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross makes our punishment for sin disappear.  In fact it totally erases our wrongs from God's memory.  God's love, mercy and forgiveness through his Son bring us comfort and life everlasting with him in heaven.  And in heaven all darkness will be erased as the Lord will be our everlasting light.

The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.  Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.  Isaiah 60: 19-20 (NIV)
Isaiah 60:19-20 (49 kb)

Dear Lord in heaven, thank you for forgiving me for all my wrongs, whether I know about them or not, and no matter how big and unforgivable I may think they may be.  Shine your loving light in my dark corners, eliminating all shadows and sorrows.  Help me to be a positive witness to others as I try to make a difference in this world because of my thankfulness for your mercy and grace.  Bring your glory into my life and help me to reflect your everlasting light here on earth.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen


  1. Jan you have written this so succinctly, and the very fact of this love of us from God defies the pale human understanding. We can never understand, so we must take it in faith. Well written, and my devotional for tomorrow night toucheson this very thing.

    God bless

  2. Thanks. I look forward to reading yours!
