
The GIFT of Gifts


A few years ago I attended a retreat that had the theme, ‘Our Value to God.” There are many scripture verses that address this topic. The two scriptures in this devotional are not included in this list of scriptures. However, these two scriptures seem to give the most evidence of who we are to God.

But God demonstrates 
his own love for us in this: 
While we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

We are so very important to God that He was willing to sacrifice the life of His Son, Jesus. He did not insist that we prove ourselves by acts of our paltry human power. Even though we are who and what we are, God values us so much. He sees us as he made us and not as we are. We are His children…His creation. He knows that we cannot earn salvation, but He wants to offer us eternal life in spite of our shortcomings. How amazing is that. He was willing to die for us while we were still sinners. He did not hold off for some human miracle by which we could make ourselves worthy by our own strength.

In evidence for this topic there is also the following scripture…

“I tell you the truth, 
those who listen to my message and believe
 in God who sent me have eternal life. 
They will never be condemned for their sins, 
but they have already passed from death into life.
John 5:24

This tells us that even though we have sinned we will not be judged because of our sin. If we believe in God we will have life eternally with Him, because we have already passed from death into life. I am blessed by this, because it tells me that I no longer am under the condemnation of my sin. I do believe that it calls for a certain striving from me to live a life that shows good will and love of God. However, if in my human weakness, I stumble He has already forgiven me for my shortcomings.


Written by 
Corinne Mustafa


  1. I love knowing that God has already forgiven me for my shortcomings. Because I could never believe I have a place in heaven on my own merit.

    Thank you!

  2. It helps to know that accepting His perfect love and grace are the keys to the kingdom.
