
Where there is Faith...Tuesday


I don’t think that any of us need to be reminded that we are living in difficult times. All a person has to do is watch the world news for 15 minutes. Heck, you don’t even have to watch the world news, just tune into your local news station. Violence, abnormal weather patterns, devastating fires, droughts, life threatening diseases, homelessness, and uncertainty is everywhere.

However, we should not be discouraged because we know that no matter how bad things seem, no matter how difficult life becomes, God is still in control. We just need to have faith in our Creator, the All Knowing and All Powerful, the Alfa and the Omega.  He is our Jehovah-Rapha (our healer) and Jehovah-Jireh (our provider).  We just need to have faith in Him.

What exactly is faith? Faith is believing in something with strong conviction. We do not need to have tangible proof in order to have faith. Faith is the most important element of a Christian’s life.

Hebrew 11:1 reveals, 
Now faith is the assurance 
of things hoped for, 
the conviction 
of things not seen”.

How do we obtain faith? One way we can really have faith in God is getting to know Him, understanding His ways, His characteristics, and His promises. How do we do this? The book of Romans explains:

Romans 10:17 says, 
“So faith comes from hearing, 
and hearing through the word of Christ”.

So, what happens when we pray and have faith yet, things don’t go the way we want? Bad things still happen to us and those we love. Well, the truth is, we live in a fallen world. God did not promise to take away our trials and tribulations. He only promised to walk with us through them and provide us with what we need to overcome difficult times. Abel had faith in God, yet he was murdered by his own brother. Moses had faith, but he never made it to the promised land.

We must remember that God has a bigger and better plan than we do. There are many reasons why things don’t go according to our plan, no matter how much faith we have or how much we pray. Sometimes God has something better in store for us. Sometimes God tests our faith in order to help us grow spiritually. Whatever the case may be, we must have faith, because where there is faith, there is peace in the midst of a storm and there is hope for the broken hearted.

Have faith 
my brothers and sisters. God is in control 
and joy comes in the morning.

Written by
Storm Hendrickson

1 comment:

  1. Faith is not hoping that God can, it is knowing He will. We may not get the result we were expecting but we can rely with faith that God is alongside and He has a plan for our good, We can have faith that God is always with us working for us to be who He created us to be.
