


Last night I decided to try out a new restaurant. While I was waiting for my food, I couldn't help but notice the people around me. I saw couples, family members, and just friends having supper together. Sadly, although they were together, it wasn't with each other. Most everyone in the restaurant was tuned into some type of electronic device; cell phones, iPads, laptops, etc. Even after food was served, there was someone texting or talking on a phone. Whatever happened to old fashion communication? Whatever happened to spending quality time together? Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to modern technology. I like the idea of having a phone available to me whenever I need one. However, I think that too many people are so caught up in their electronic devices that they don’t even realize something very valuable is slowly fading away. The importance of face to face communication is becoming a thing of the past. People are so used to texting each other that they don’t know how to properly handle face to face conflict. Precious time is spent behind a screen rather than looking into the eyes of someone you love.

What are we telling our children when we spend more time on our electronic devices than we do praying for the needs of people, taking soup to a sick friend, or going to visit our aging parents? What kind of example are we setting when we spend hours in a chat room or on Facebook, but don’t have time to clean our house, help out with a school project, or even ask about their day?

 I wonder how many families actually sit down at the dinner table together without any distractions?  Although the Bible doesn't mention cell phones or lap tops, there are many Scripture verses that talk about the importance of good communication and coming together as a family.

Hebrews 10:24-245 says, 
And let us consider how to stir up one another 
to love and good works, 
not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, 
but encouraging one another, 
and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Hopefully, we are not allowing our electronic devices to hinder our walk with God. Be mindful that you do not replace your prayer time, your worship time, or your ministry time with things that don’t produce good fruit.  

Let’s not allow our lives to become like stagnant pools of water wasting away behind a screen. Let’s not waste all of our time waiting for the next text or wondering what other people have posted on their wall. Let’s do more than live, let’s thrive!

I have a challenge for the week. Let’s see how much time we can save by turning off the computer more often and limiting our cell phone usage. What can you do with some “free” time?

Written by 
Storm Hendrickson

1 comment:

  1. I was in Hong Kong a couple of years ago on a layover as we headed towards Bangladesh. We went to a restaurant in the airport. There were people at three other tables. All of them were on their cell phones texting away. It is really a sad state of affairs.We need to turn off the electronic and relate to each other without them!

    God bless..

    God bless...
