
Set An Atmosphere for Prayer...Monday


Open up before God, keep nothing back;  
he’ll do whatever needs to be done:
He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day
    and stamp you with approval at high noon.Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him.
Psalm 37:5-7a

The Message (MSG)
I find this Scripture a worthy instruction to pray sharing completely what you are asking and He will answer. It also says that when praying a person should be prayerful before Him.

In another scripture it says:
                                    He says, “Be still, and know that I am God...

We all have our ways of approaching the Lord with our prayers. There are no absolute rules of how it must be done. The important thing is that we must bring our praise and prayer to Him. Some people like to pray first thing in the morning. Others have other times of choice to have their quiet time.  If there is a lot going first thing in the morning some wait till things quiet down. Some like complete quiet while others prefer music playing softly in the background. Many people have a special place where they go every day for their quiet time. 

Another thing that many people do throughout the day is to speak to God about what it going on in the world or around them. God loves to hear us speak to Him throughout the day. One friend calls this "feather prayers."

I have one thing that I like to do when I pray in the morning. I have a two sided oil lamp that I love to light. I think of the two flames as God and me. Whenever there is an air current the two flames are drawn closer together just as we are when I pray. I am getting close to Him and He to me. In my prayer we come close to unity as I am fueled by the same oil to want connection that results in His desire to be with me when I pray.

Choose your way of approaching God in prayer. However you do your prayer or whatever symbols you use as visual prompts that you are together He is ready for you to come to Him and joys in this time.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


  1. Do you have any habits when you pray that are special to you? Perhaps you could share them with each other. The important thing is not how you pray but rather that you DO pray. God takes joy in you as you do pray.

    God bless...

  2. I love the concept of the two sided oil lamp and your thoughts concerning it. I am reminded of a friend I had who painted a picture of four beautiful Iris flowers. She shared that her painting was a prayer to God. The flowers represented herself, her husband, and their two daughters. She was asking God to make all their hearts pure like the flowers in the painting. That idea always touched my heart as being such a creative prayer.

    1. That is a lovely concept, Cathy. thank you for sharing it and for your reply.

      Love and God bless
