
At The Sound Of Your Great Name!...Tuesday


“Every fear has no place at the sound of Your Great Name”
Natalie Grant

As I heard this powerful song, I asked myself do we as believers in Christ know the power that is in His name. When we are facing fears, worries, trials, and decisions, do we call out His powerful name? Do we understand that when we call out His name, a peace that surpasses all understanding comes in and takes care of us? I don’t quite know why this song stands out to me. Could it be because I have faced many fears of my own and it was Him who took them from me? It was Him that came and said, “Liz, give me all of your fears once and for all!” I know that I had to witness my own daughter surrender her fears to Him. She had to learn the power of His name. It wasn’t something I could tell her about; she had to search for that on her own. Whether we say Jesus, Lord, All Mighty, we are calling for His power to come over us. When you read in scripture about the power of His name, you know He came to show His power. People came to salvation through His power, people were healed through His power, and demons were casted out through His power. He wants us to walk in His power, He wants us to walk in freedom through His power, and He wants us to heal through His power. I hope and pray that the next time you are facing fear, doubt, trials, or something that is weighing you down; you look up and call out His Great Name! He is waiting on you! He wants you to experience His power. Take a step and see and experience the power of His great name!

Written by Liz Chavez 



  1. we have that same power living i. us that raised Christ from the dead. glory hallelujah

  2. Oh if only I could always remember right away to call out His name! Thankfully the Spirit knows and groans for me when I don't know what to pray!
