
"Just Stand Still" ...Wednesday


During my quiet time with the Lord this past Sunday, the scripture out of 2 Chronicles 20:17 kept going through my mind over and over. I was quite certain the Lord was speaking to me and wanted to establish that particular scripture in my heart deeply.

This is what His Word says.... 

"You will not need to fight in this battle,
Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation
of the Lord, who is with you, 
O Judah and Jerusalem!"
Do not fear or be dismayed; 
tomorrow go out against them,
for the Lord is with you."
2 Chronicles 20:17

This was a pivotal time when the Israelites were facing a major crisis. They could either go bonkers with fear or to trust fully in their Lord God Almighty. Thankfully they trusted and watched the Lord move with great power, and there was great victory!

That is what the Lord was saying to me in the situations I am facing today. He will most certainly fight my battles for me. He is asking me to position myself, stand still, and He will act on my behalf bringing glorious deliverance!

He is passionate to see my destiny fulfilled and is there to direct me as I look to Him.

I shall stand still and watch His glory unfold before my very eyes!

In His Great Glory! 
Sandy Billingham


  1. We need to be willing to be still and wait for what God will show us. while we are distracted or filled with outside things to consider it is not possible to really hear what God is telling us. Take time to enjoy your quiet times and listen for God and what He will share with us.

    God bless...

  2. Jer 29:11

    glory to God

  3. Overcoming fear and trusting God is a common theme for me in things I am reading this week. Thank you Sandy for your writing.
