

Devotional for 9/28/14

If the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, consider where you are fertilizing and watering the lawn.

Are you unhappy where you are - in your career, in your relationships, in your church?  Does someplace or someone else look more appealing?  Are you never satisfied with what you have and always want more or what others have?  Are you often jealous, envious, or unfaithful in your mind?  These feelings can lead to irritability in your current situation, depression with your circumstances, or even sabotage of your relationships.  You may find that you are complaining a lot and never happy, always wishing for something else and blaming others for your quandary.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.  Proverbs 3:31 (NIV)

Consider this instead - what would happen if you put all your effort into making your current situation better instead of wishing for something else?  Instead of pointing your finger at other people for your unhappiness, try changing what you have control over - yourself.  If you are feeling burned out at work, try coming up with ways to make what you are doing more enjoyable.  Feeling stagnant in your relationship?  Find ways to make it more exciting instead of waiting for the other person to change or looking elsewhere.  Things at church got you down?  Enrich your congregation with sharing fresh ideas, finding your gifts/talents to use, supporting the ministry in all ways possible.  In all these situations make up your mind to be content with where you are and to glorify God in all you say and do.

Remember, green grass can wither and die, especially if you don't take care of it.  And even if it looks greener on the other side of the fence, it also isn't indestructible or immortal - it could die too.  There may be weeds, grubs, gopher holes, and the like hiding in the lawn.  What may appear to be better may actually turn out to be worse or have it's own pitfalls once you have it. So it is important to be content and grateful for what you do have, and trust in God to reveal more as you work to glorify him in your current place.  Thank the Lord for his forgiveness when you fail in these endeavors and ask him to fill you with the power of his Spirit. Watch your life change as your heart is filled with his love!
Psalm 37:3 (92 kb)
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.  Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:3-4 (NIV)

written by Jan Andersen

This is not actually an official Christian song but it is filled with all the thoughts of gratitude that we should have about the world (the green grass) that God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. The premise of this devotional is filled with truth. I have often thought of this when I hear of a pending divorce of a couple I know or even when I am feeling very dissatisfied with my own relationship with my husband or one of my grown children. I was once disgruntled for several years and eventually things lightened up and the issues improved. I am still married and it has been forty-six years. If I had not rode it out I would have also been a divorce statistic. (Probably the same is true for my husband as well.) The grass is not greener on the other side it is merely filled with different parasites to deal with. We can always count on the fact that God has a plan but that it is in His timing and not ours.

    God bless...
