
How To Lose 10 lbs and Keep It Off.......Monday


The pretty girl on the cover smiled at me as the headline promised to tell me a secret I never knew. Although in our weight conscious culture-there is nothing new under the sun-I still glance at the article to see if there's something that might help me get a grip on myself.

Be Clutter Free, How to Stay Organized, How to Be Happy, How To Raise Healthy Children, How to Get More for Your Money, How to Get Along With Others and on and on the media reaches out to us from every direction, assuring us that if we just follow these 10 simple steps we can have it all.

Can we really have it all? Let's talk pie. Not apple or pumpkin, but a time pie chart. Each day has 24 slices of pie. It is up to you how you use these slices. If you focus your attention and energy on a particular area, you will, in your own strength, probably achieve some level of improvement in that area. 

But following 10 simple steps will use up slices of pie every single day. Each of us has essential things to do, like sleep, work, caring for ourselves, caring for others, laundry, shopping, cooking, commuting, etc. Then there's volunteering, hobbies, and friends. The list is endless but our time is not. 

There is a promise that will allow each of us to lose 10+ lbs and keep it off while giving us direction on how to use our pieces of pie.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you. 
So do not worry about tomorrow;
for tomorrow will care for itself.
Each day has enough 
trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33 NIV

The weight I am talking about losing is fear, anxiety, doubt, and worry. These things are weights on my shoulders and in my mind. But when I recognize that I am struggling, I fall for the promises of the world, I think, I will get organized, get thin, get healthy, get rich, and then I will have nothing to be afraid of, just think how I will be able to bless and help others! 

But I try to do these things with my focus on myself and in my own strength as if I am doing them to make God happy. Being the imperfect, selfish creature that I am, when I achieve some level of success I stand so proud and delighted with myself. But pride comes before a fall, and it is only a matter of time until I fail (again). It is then that I remember God.

My child, when the Lord corrects you, pay close attention
and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects those he loves,
 as parents correct a child of whom they are proud. 
Happy is anyone who becomes wise—
who comes to have understanding.
 There is more profit in it than there is in silver;
 it is worth more to you than gold.
Proverbs 3:11-14 GNT

Dear Lord, thank You for loving me enough to correct me, and show me when I have lost my way and am only focusing on my little world and not on You and Your kingdom. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Stop The World by Matthew West


  1. This is an interesting interpretation of how to loose ten pounds. I love it when a writer takes earthly thoughts and puts a heavenly lens on it to illustrate a point. Well done Mary!

    God bless,,,

  2. This is an awesome way to look at the struggles of life....and such a great way to live "lighter"!! Thank you, Mary!
