
Broken Roads....Tuesday


Life is like a road traveled. We start out never knowing what we will meet as we travel throughout life.We dream our dreams and hope our hopes, but only God knows where our journey will take us. We walk down the road (or ride) always straining to find what is beyond the bend. There are always challenging roads filled with potholes as well as smooth new highways to traverse. We can be sailing along when we come to a detour sign and suddenly we are bumping and lurching on a broken road  that we have not expected.

What I do know is that we are not alone on these narrow roads. Christian stores sell angel clips for the visors for our cars showing the idea that having one in the car is a protection from disaster. That is not so: the little angels are just a symbol of the angels posted around us all the time who are doing the work for us that God directs. In spite of that we all suffer from our memories of lost dreams that never came to fruition, we need to be aware  that our disappointments and challenges in life are some of the very happenings that bring us to through the trip on the broken road triumphantly. God has put us there, and He uses these trials to bring us to new understandings that help us to grow in ways will result in final descent into the valley where good things are waiting for us. 

Every moment of our time has been part of God's grand plan which is coming to fruition. You may ask then why do I have all these stops and starts in the traffic of my life? They are just slow downs as you travel down your highway. In the song that I am posting below the words say: "That God bless the broken road that led me straight to........." 

You can fill in the blanks here as to what you have been led to. Just know He is leading you to the wonders He has in store for you. Here are the words of God's promise to each of us...

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.

You need to remember that all the traffic snarls, red lights and accidents along the road just are bringing you closer to God's marvelous plan for you. Just keep on driving!

Written by
Corinne Mustafa


  1. I do not know how you feel, but think I understand what you are saying. I know that God wants me to follow Him to the very edge of the precipice, trusting that He is with me. But if I get distracted, as I do far too often, I can slip and fall. Remembering to trust when you are stuck in a big old pothole in the middle of your road is hard!

  2. Corinne...I thought that I left a lovely message/comment for you earlier, but, I don't see it..so anyway, thank you for the reminder of how I need to be focusing. This has been a constant struggle for me...and your devotional today is a keeper for me. I love it and I love how you so beautifully wrote it. xoxo
