
NOT WHAT YOU DO...Saturday


"And then you will know that I am the Lord." 
 Ezekiel 13:23b

     Many times in the 13th chapter of Ezekiel the Lord is describing what He is going to do so that the people will then know He is the Lord.

     Everyone searches for meaning and purpose in life.  What you do as a vocation is not who you are as a person.  What you possess is not who you are.  What you accomplish to bring you fame or fortune or power is not who you are.  What happens to you in life does not make you who you are.

     It is only by knowing the Lord that you fully realize your true identity. It is the Lord who is ultimately in control of the world and everything that is happening.  He wants us to get past world events and what we "do" and focus on who He is.

God wants us to focus on knowing Him as Savior and friend.  
It is He who accomplishes what He wishes in the world and through His body the church
 if we but follow and obey His leading.  
Don't strive to "do" but focus on "being" in Him.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Who we are is completely intertwined with who God is to us. Our job in life is to try to be In Him and have Him in us.

    God bless...
