
Sunny Side Up...Friday

September 12, 2014

Throughout our lives we face many challenges….sickness, tragedy, disappointments, failures, hurts.  That is just part of life on this earth.  What we need to always remember and hold tight in our heart during these times of struggle is the other fact of life that we also have great moments of happiness, love, success, joy, elation, fun and laughter.  The love of our God, through His son, Jesus, has made it possible for me to walk through all of the ups and downs that life throws at me.

 I can do everything by the power of Christ. 
He gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13
New International Reader's Version 

I am so blessed to have the love of the Lord on my side.  Looking back over my life events thus far, I can see how He has always been there to get me past the dark times and back to the sunny side of life.  Jesus keeps me sunny side up!   All that we travel through in life has a purpose.  God has planned our life so that all things work together for good.

 And we know that for those who love God, that is, 
for those who are called according to his purpose, 
all things are working together for good.

Romans 8:28
International Standard Version

That doesn't mean that all things are good or all things will be easy, we are going to struggle with quite a bit of this life here on earth, however, whilst I am here I truly want to live in the sunshine.  I am going to allow God to be present in all of my moments.  I know it is possible with Jesus in my heart to have a permanent smile on my face.  There are going to be more times when He will have to carry me to get through a season, but, during those seasons I will always have my heart filled with His love, hope, faith….and most of all His sunshine!!  My heavenly Father’s Son will always shine on me.

Serve God While You Are Young
 Sunshine is sweet;
    it is good to see the light of day.
People ought to enjoy every day of their lives,
    no matter how long they live.
But they should also remember this:
    You will be dead a long time.
    Everything that happens then is useless.

Ecclesiastes 11:7-8
New Century Version 

I pray to live my life “Sunny Side Up”, filling each day with God’s everlasting love, reaching my full potential of happiness, whilst sharing His limitless joy to all others that He has placed along my path for me to shine upon.

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes...the best advice of all is to keep your sunny side up no matter what. That is not so easy but when we FROG...Fully Rely On God...we can put the difficult times in His loving arms and He will see us through. That might not mean that he changes the times or challenges. However, He will uphold us and bring us out of the darkness to the sunny side of the street once again,

    God bless
