
Are you a "Like-Alcoholic?"...Thursday


Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God
he directs it to whatever ends he chooses.
Proverbs 21:1

Are you a "Like-Alcoholic" I have to confess that at times I am.

You probably gave never heard of that phrase. No? This is not surprising; I had never heard of it until earlier this week either.

Would you like a definition? I am going to give you some examples.

Ann is a very giving woman. She comes alongside to help others. She can be found driving people to doctor's appointments, cooking an extra dinner for someone in need. These examples are all good things for a person to do. However, she is an insecure person most of the time. She derives great feelings of comfort when others praise her for the good works she does. Ann is a "Like-Alcoholic."

Samantha does lots of things for people. Still she is insecure about who she is and her value to others. The thing that pleases her most is when she gets a note or an email from a friend that tells her how awesome she is and how wonderful  the things she does are. No note or no word of praise after she has gone our of her way to be helpful or to perform an act of mercy leaves her needy and feeling unappreciated. Samantha is a "Like-Alcoholic."

Penny is a person who looks to others for affirmation for the things she does. Very often she looks to friends when she is unsure of her thinking or feeling unsure of how she should handle a situation. When someone affirms her or praises here she can temporarily relax until the next problem she faces, Penny is a "Like-Alcoholic,"

Do you get the picture? Getting a good feeling when you are praised is not what makes you a  "Like-Alcoholic." Everyone enjoys words of appreciation and affirmation. When it goes askew and out of control is when you are left feeling empty without it. The email you receive praising you, the comment you get from another of what an amazing person you are because of (something you did), or your need to check out every thought with others to confirm that you are thinking correctly is where it becomes an addiction. This is an addiction as much as doing drugs or gambling. When you live for others admiration you are doing things that make you  a "Like-Alcoholic"...a person who lives for the approval of others.  

So, what is wrong with this picture? People are sometimes the bearer of words that God wants you to hear. It is fine to take their words and think that God has wanted you to hear them. The problem is that when we use people for our feelings or well being and as the ultimate counselor to go to for advice. The truth is that God is the ultimate authority on what to do and the the qualified one to bring approval and insight into our choices.

God is the first and foremost adviser...our go to person in times of need. This includes both the need to know what direction towards which we should head and the need to feel good about our choices in life. You do not have to discard a valuable friend. We just need to go to God first, foremost, and the majority of times. Let Him be the ultimate authority for all our needs.  

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. Friends are gifts from God. He gives them to us to enhance and share our lives with. He does not give then to us to rely upon solely. He is there to fulfill that need we have. Let Him lead us as He is the expert for the job!
