
"Jesus' Face Shine Upon You"...Wednesday

One of my all time favorite verses in God's Word 
is out of Numbers 6:24-26 which says, 

"The Lord bless you
and keep you; 
The Lord make His face
upon you, 
And be gracious to you; 
The Lord lift up
His countenance 
upon you, 
And give you peace."

Those verses are loaded with God's love for His children! In the scriptures it is referring to the Priestly Blessing but in all actuality this is God's heart for each one of us in His Glorious ways!

Our Precious Jesus desires to bless us with all Spiritual Blessings and particularly with His redeeming grace. He has granted us His excellent promises along with rich, vast prosperity in Him. Daily He turns His face towards us to show us His boundless favor. He will continually keep us from the evil one and extol His great peace upon us.

Christ's blessings are limitless and I am ecstatic to be His daughter all my days!

In His Boundless Grace, Love and Peace, 
Sandy Billingham



  1. I also love Numbers 6:24-26. The first time I heard this scripture was at the Bar Mitzvah of the son of our neighbor. It was pronounced by the rabbi as a priestly blessing of the congregation attending. I loved it and never forgot it. The idea of God letting his face SHINE on us is transfixing to me. We are warmed by the sun which shines on us, How much more are we warmed by the shine of God's love as He turns His countenance on us. It is beyond anything we could deserve or expect.

    God bless....

  2. This verse makes me think of Moses going up the mountain to meet with God. That meeting had his face shine so brightly, the people could not look at him when he was back with them.
    Sandy, your writings often have me thinking that your face is shinning when you share with us what God has shared with us! Thank you.
