
"Fountains From Jesus"...Wednesday


I am sure we can all relate the many times that we grow weary and feel literally spent. We, as women especially, wear many hats and are continuously giving of ourselves in many ways and in many directions.

I ran across this verse today that so touched and ministered to me and reminded me where my source of power and strength comes from. 

It is out of Psalms 87:7 and says:

As they make music they will sing.
All my fountains are in You."
Psalms 87:7

As we are fully depleted, we can sit at the feet of Jesus, worship Him, and be replenished through Him. He will pour out His refreshing waters all over us and refuel us with all that we need. Everything we could possibly need we will find in Him!

I envision myself with Jesus and see His living waters being poured out on me. I am thankful that His fountains never go dry. He is my forever supply, and I will continue to open my life to Him for those living fountains!

In His Living Fountains, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. At the moment I am feeling that I am bathing in His living waters. My issues are physical. Some of our issues are spiritual. Whatever the need for the living waters of His fountain we can be sure that His living waters will come fromHis fountain and bathe us!

    God bless
