
Seize the day!!!...Tuesday


Good Morning!

Come on and stretch yourself and and greet God as your day begins! 

Yeah Right! 

That is the ideal but often we wake up feeling like we need about four more hours of sleep. Our minds start racing fixing on the tasks for the day. Make school lunches...take the kids to school...maybe even stay for your volunteer morning as a teacher's aide...come home and do some household chores...the list goes on and on driven by the particular day.

Before our feet touch the floor and our slippies are on we have lost any hope of the promise that "joy comes in the morning." Our first thought is the need for coffee. We head for the kitchen waiting and enduring the excruciating 1/2 minute for the Keurig to be ready and add insult to injury waiting for the time required for the coffee to brew...I estimate that takes about ten more seconds. Then we often sit for a few more minutes in somewhat of a stupor. We don't even notice the singing of the birds and all the other beautiful things outside the window.

I know that I am exaggerating a bit...maybe even a lot. All days do not begin this way, but some do, and when they do, our whole day becomes unpleasant. It is important to remember that this day is a treasure from God. We have a brand new, unspoiled, sparkly clean gift of twenty four hours to move down the path God is leading us to.  The opportunities of this day may never come again. Hopefully this will become the new way we will now be to waking up.

The Bible has many verses about having a happy first minutes 
in the morning and, thereby also having a more happy day.

All you saints! 
Sing your hearts out to God!  Thank him to his face! 
He gets angry once in a while, but across a lifetime there is only love. 
The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.

                                  This is the day the Lord has made
                                 We will rejoice and be glad in it.Psalm 118:24             
 But as for me, I will sing each morning about your power and mercy. For you have been my high tower of refuge, a place of safety in the day of my distress.
Psalm 59:16
Lord, I bring myself and  the readers of this devotional to You that we will be able to wake up joyful with an attitude of
Seize the Day, and that we seize it for You. Thank you Lord. Amen.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

Here is a song that I would love to use as my alarm every morning.


  1. I often wake up wondering "so what?" On such days there is no recognition of the gift of 24 pristine hours from God to move forward in my life.

    God bless...

  2. Great reminder Corinne!!! Well said!!! Love ya!! And one of my fav songs!! I saw her in person last November at a Spirit Fest!!
