
"God Will Make Us Fruitier Through Him!"...Wednesday

God really does want us to be a "Fruity People". 

It says in Galatians 5:22
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, 
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. 
Against such there is no law." 

Each one of those fruit are well worth having and is just another example of who He is and the kind of life He wants us to walk out.
When we became a believer and lover of God everyone of those fruit Jesus deposited within us richly. Our part is to call upon Him to help us develop each one. Say for example you are wanting to learn more how to walk in His kindness. You can be assured the Lord will put you in situations where He will teach you how to be kind to people. That could be very challenging but you can count on the Lord strengthening your "kindness muscles". The same would be for all the others as well.
The Spirit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are all beautiful attributes of who God is and how He wants us to develop those in our lifes. He desires us to be a people that exemplify His nature so that those people that we touch will taste and see that Jesus is ever so good!!!
Reach out with your life full of rich fruit and watch those around you be transformed by the Power of Jesus!
In His Rich "Fruitiness", 
Sandy Billingham

A song for children and although we
are not 
children we still are children
of God, and I f
ound this song very
uplifting and joyful.

1 comment:

  1. The fruitier the better, eh. I have to forget that sometimes I do not think about the fruit of the spirit. On examination I feel that in my life I do exercise a lot of these fruit, but I need some work on patience. Thank you for your writing, Sandy, which reminded me of a work that I need to go for. Good words of inspiration.

    God bless...
