
Thank You for Giving of Yourself...Tuesday


One night Wendy went to sleep and she never woke up. Well, she did wake up, but it was in glory. I am happy to announce that my friend was a believer in Jesus Christ, and, after having many talks with her, I feel confident that Wendy was saved. I believe strongly that she is with her Lord and Savior even as I type.

Wendy’s remembrance service was amazing. Over 450 people attended and many spoke highly of her, sharing memories and other stories. As I sat and listened to people talk, scanning the crowd, I started to think about my own life. I then asked myself these questions - If I were to die, would this many people attend my service? What would they say about me? Have I touched this many people in some positive way?

Of course, when we do unto others we should be doing it as unto the Lord, not expecting any recognition or honor. However, it would be nice to know what kind of impact you’ve had on others while you are still alive.

The day after my friend’s remembrance service I was talking with my son, Brian. Something he said caused me to examine my life even more. Brian said, “It bothers me when a person who claims to be a Christian does someone a favor and expects something in return”. My son went on to say, “I know Christians need to take care of their pastor, but does a pastor need new cars, expensive clothes, a fancy house, and trips to the Bahamas?” 

I thought about what my son said for a while, and I understood the point he was trying to make. There is nothing wrong with having nice things. God wants to bless His children. There is nothing wrong with having a nice home or going on vacation. As a matter of fact, if anyone needs down time once in a while it is probably a pastor. I wonder though, do we as Christians do as much as we could be doing for those in need? Are we willing to share our blessings without asking for anything in return? Do we have the right motives? Are we touching lives in a positive way? These are just a few things to think about.

Hebrews 13:16 says, 
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, 
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

This week I challenge people to examine their lives and ask yourselves if you could be doing more for the Lord? For those of you who do sacrifice and help the poor, the lost, the sick, and the broken hearted, I want to say thank you. 

Written by
Storm Hendrickson


  1. A life well lived speak of your goodness and sacrifices long after you have gone home. After an uplifting memorial I have often asked myself what might be said of me. What is remembered and said depends on our lives. I have heard it said that we shoul offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God. We do that in the little things we do every minute and day of our lives.

    God bless...

  2. Your devotion challenged me to really check my heart and ask the question.. could I be doing more for the Lord??? And most certainly as I ponder the question.... it is a resounding Yes! Well written.
