


"Above all else, guard your heart, 
for it is the wellspring of life." 
Proverbs 4:23

     It is important to have core values and spiritual values which you are never willing to compromise.


The book of Proverbs is a book of contrasts.  Some verses alternate telling what will happen to a person who is evil or departs from God's commandments versus a person who is obedient and follows God's ways.  There is a sharp contrast as to what will follow.  Reading it makes me long to follow God more closely and develop a closer relationship with Him.


 It is important to know God in your heart and then to guard all that you have learned from Him.  Walking in His ways makes for an abundant and fulfilled life on earth and for storing up eternal treasures for the next life.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Although the things we say seem to come from our minds. However it is the heart's emotions that the mind hears. We need to be sure that we keep our hearts on the right course. There is a song sung about a child that has the words be careful little heart what you ....and it names several places it can go. That is what this is all about.
