


One of my character defects is procrastination.  One of my favorite sayings is…”Procrastinators Unite….Tomorrow”.  J  This is a battle that I have struggled with for as long as I can remember.  The worst thing to ever tell me is…..”Take your time”.  As I have been thinking about this lately I am going over in my head the reasons that I have for procrastination; there are so many….anxiety, fear, dislike of the project, oh, I have plenty of time to complete that, I work better under pressure, my brain will be fresher in the morning to do this task, then in the morning I need to have more coffee before I begin.  I truly could go on and on to infinity.  

Procrastination is one thing that I do very well.  I have decided recently that I don’t particularly want this to be the thing that I am best known for doing so well.  So I have prayed and turned this over to God, as I have done in the past a few times, but what I have done differently this time is to not jump all over myself with the negative talk about how I can never change.  Well, guess what?  God is changing me.  I realized that I am giving myself positive self talk now instead of letting the enemy take over my thought process, as I am not putting things off.  I am more motivated and productive.  We have an awesome God!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 

Is it not just so incredible that when we focus our heart and minds on God above, He gives us exactly what we need in our lives to be better humans. He allows us to live with more peace and happiness, and when we are happy God is happy because we can be much better examples of the loving Christians that we are.  The love of God shows on our faces when we are at peace in our hearts.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 
I do not give to you as the world gives. 
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27 

I know that my life is so much more amazing when I keep my eyes focused on Him!  This is the way He wants me to be living; with serenity and smiles!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. For me my main reason for procrasrination is not actually knowing how to begin. I think and think and then I start to dread getting started on a project.
    Also we are so busy and over booked at times that we procrastinate in order to make time stretch out.beyond the time we have. I am going to pray that I do not procrastinate about the tasks that God gives me.

    God bless...
