
Changes in Me...Friday

November 14, 2014

I have been going through some challenging times, but, I am currently feeling so blessed.  There is so much to be grateful for.  One of those very grateful things is the changes I have seen in my heart.  It is really hard living on this earth, but, there are so many things our Father does that make life such a blessing.

After working at my current company for over ten years I recently had the worst employment review I have ever had in over thirty-five years of working.   I was very hurt by it and am standing up for some of the judgmental things that were said of me. However, I am also taking it with a change of heart and a message from God that it is time for me to move on.  I have been dedicated and given my all to this company and now at this point in my life things are being taken away from me.  In my opinion, a lot of that is because of one particular person having a personality issue with me.

What I can say is Thank you, Jesus for loving me as much as you do.  For doing all that you do for me and not turning your back on me when I don’t act as you would like me to.  I have that with you, Father, and I will never have that from a human on earth, at least not as perfectly as you.

The other positive about this situation is that I was able to open someone else’s eyes to the behaviors of someone else.  And this person was quite surprised at some truths, but, at the same time so understood, and gets it, so therefore shared with me.  I know that with God on my side it had to get to this point so that I could see the love and find the prize He has for me that is yet to come.

 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; 
I will remove from you your heart of stone 
and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. To go through and experience like this and keep a positive attitude shows that you are a "FROG"...a person who Fully Relies On God. Way to go!

    God bless...
