


"There is a time 
for everything, 
and a season 
for every activity 
under heaven..." 
Ecclesiastes 2:20

      As believers in Jesus Christ, I don't believe there have been any coincidences in my life.  I believe my life is in the hands of a loving God who is always with me.  Living with God I have seen many miracles and incidents which have occurred that I know could have been directed only by His hand.

     I have been saved from near accidents.   I have gone in for car repairs when the warranty was about to expire within three days (which I knew nothing about).  I have tried some herbal remedies for my blood pressure which I researched via the internet with much prayer and found some which work well.  I had the privilege of God giving me back my "miracle prayer dog," Nickolas, after the death of my Mother.  He opened the door for my parish nurse position at the perfect time.  When looking for a church home I have been led to the right one for me.      

In short, God has walked through every step of my life and given me direction.  He knows exactly what I need and when I need it and provides for me.  He is never too late.
     What about your life?  Have you ever stopped to analyze the coincidences in your life?  I think if you do, you'll discover that as a believer in Jesus Christ that His hand has been upon you.  There is no such thing as coincidences in a Christian's life, thre are only "God-incidences."

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend who used a different term for what Carol Steficek is talking about. She called them "CoinciGods." I always thought that was such a clever made up word. With God there is no coincidence...He is always purposeful about what happens and nothing can happen without it being allowed by God.

    God bless...
