
KNOCKING... Sunday

Devotional for 11/16/14

Revelation 3:20 (99 kb)
Revelation 3:20 (The Voice) "Now pay attention; I am standing at the door and knocking. If any of you hear My voice and open the door, then I will come in to visit with you and to share a meal at your table, and you will be with Me. Jesus.

God is so gracious!  He doesn't wait for us to come to Him, but instead He comes to us, even when we are sinfully rejecting Him or self-deluded in thinking we are good enough without Him.  Jesus knocks on our door.That knock is sometimes soft and slow, while He patiently awaits our answer.  At other times He is banging with all his might to get our attention, because we are asleep or ignoring Him at the time.  Thankfully He is persistent!  We not only have to hear his knock and recognize it is Him, we also have to open the door to let Him in.  He actually gives us the power to answer that knock and open the door. Then He enters to be with us and eat with us. We share a family meal, an intimate gathering of those He loves, in sharing the forgiveness and salvation He has promised for the faithful.

Thank you Lord, Jesus, for coming to me in my weakness and forgiving me, taking care of me, even helping me to receive your assistance and then supplying my every need!  Help me to share this Good News to others of your love and salvation.  In Your name I pray.  Amen. 

Written by Jan Andersen 

1 comment:

  1. Any time You knock on my door it is my desire that I would be ready for Your visit and welcome You in. Help me to be ready so that when I hear the knock I am able to drop all that I am doing and spend time with you.

    God bless
