
"Delighting In His Presence"...Thursday


Before we get to today's devotional 
I want to take this opportunity 
to remind you
to practice the words of this Psalm...

and to give you my wishes...

and all the writers at Women's Focus Ministries

Here is the devotional for 11/27/14

During our worship time this past Sunday was simply delightful! There is truly nothing like being in God's presence. When I am in His presence, everything that is hindering me melts away. I experience His peace and His all consuming love that totally covers me like a warm, heavenly blanket.

There is also great healing that transpires as well as a beautiful resting in Him. There is nothing that can take the place of being with Jesus.

I find myself more and more just longing and yearning to come away and get lost in God's presence and sit at His feet.
This particular verse sums it up well. 

"My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord,
My heart and my flesh cry out for the Living God."
Psalm 84:2

As long as I have breath I will long and cry out for the courts of the Living God. For a day in His courts is far better than a thousand else where.

Fully Devoted To Jesus, 
Sandy Billingham


1 comment:

  1. To be able to be in the presence of God is one of the greatest privileges He has given to those who accept Him and follow Him. Thank you Lord

    God bless...
