
"Friends With Christ" ...Wednesday


Everyone on this earth needs a friend. We all need someone we can talk to and share our hearts with. Relationships are important to people and a vital part of growth and living as a human being. Here on earth I would have to say that my husband is my best friend. We do lots of activities together. Some of the things we love doing are concerts, bike riding, dinner, walking and movies. Those are just a few of the things we spend time doing. During the day, certain things will come to my mind about a situation, and I know it is something I would really like to share with my husband. I look forward to sitting down with him and sharing my day and the things that are on my mind. I can honestly say that my husband is my best friend.

Jesus tells us in John how he has called us His friends. I don't know about you, but when I read in God's word about Him wanting to be my friend, it totally gets my attention. I not only love having my husband as my best friend and other friends as well, but now Jesus is telling me that He wants to be my friend. That rocks my world!

Scripture says in John 15:15,

"I no longer call you servants, because a servant
 does not know 
His master's business.
Instead, I have 
called you friends,
 for everything
 that I learned from my Father
I have made known to you."

But there is a "catch 22" to that scripture. As we read the passage right before it in verse 14 it says, 

"You are my friends
if you do what I command."

Jesus so desires to be our "best friend." He longs for us to spend time with Him. He wants us to have an extreme relationship with Him. But He is asking us to be obedient onto Him. In order to have that close friendship, we must follow His commands. Friend means "close trusted friend." Jesus wants us to draw close to Him in prayer, worship and meditating on His word and walking in His word. He wants to be able to trust us with what He has asked of us. If we have a true relationship with Him, we will want to follow His leading.

True, solid, friendships are not passive but continuously active in strengthening the relationship.

I choose to pursue an intense friendship with Christ, and in order to make that happen I am running hard after Him to follow His commands. It is then, I can say that Jesus is my "best friend."

Rich Blessings,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. What a friend we have in Jesus. The old song really got it right. He is our best friend...the one we rely on...the one who stands up for us in front of the Father. Thank you LORD!

    God bless!
