
Find the Smile....Friday

November 7, 2014

It is my quest to find the smile in each moment.  As we travel through the journey of our lives on earth there are all kinds of season with all kinds of ups and downs.  We love the ups so very much; all of them filled with laughter, happiness and joy.  I have decided that I have had my allotment of downs already.  It is time for me to have more ups, yes, unfortunately, those downs are going to happen, that is just a fact of life.  However, I am going to challenge myself to find the smile even in those down seasons.  Yesterday I was dwelling on those downs, but, you know what, today, I was able to find smiles from the moment I woke up, which is pretty spectacular due to my aversion to mornings.  

If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint,
I will put off my sad face, and be of good cheer,’
Job 9:27

What changed for me was a few things….a chat with a friend in the building that could tell something was wrong, her uplifting words of encouragement went a long way.  Going to bible study when I didn't really feel like it, whilst there sharing with my bible girls what was happening, and, through that openness of mine, feeling and seeing the love they have for me.  It was felt so deeply by me; and I know they are praying for me with great sincerity. In addition they were  sharing their own situations that were similar to my struggle.  Of course the love of God smiled right down on me with that reminder that I can smile through all moments.  If I put my head in the right place my smile is automatic!  I do believe that I am getting it!!  And when I get it…..I get so very much more….all from my magnificent Father in heaven.

“Smile on me, your servant;
teach me the right way to live.”
Psalm 119:135
The Message (MSG)

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Today we have two songs that speak to this devotional's theme!


1 comment:

  1. It is true that when we have a positive attitude things will be positive in how we experience them.
