


"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
 in quietness and trust is your strength, 
but you would have none of it."
 Isaiah 30:15b

     How much time do you really spend quietly with God?  Many people are so busy they don't have time to work God into their schedules.  This age is addicted to activity.

     The problem is, much of what confronts us in life on a daily basis involves spiritual battles against the enemy, Satan.  We let him gain too many footholds in our lives by not making room for God.

     The best way to gain victory and succeed in life is by spending quiet time with God every day.  Reading God's Word and staying in communication with Him through prayer is the best way to make it through the day's obstacles and challenges.

     Spending quiet time with God will reveal to you that you don't have to be afraid of anything the day can throw at you.  Trust God with every area of your life and know He is with you through everything.  Resting with God is the way to gain your strength.

     Next time you feel defeated, burned out, frustrated, and exhausted -- take a minute to reflect on your schedule to see if you are spending enough quiet time with God.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Spending quiet time with the Lord every morning is a perfect way to set up your day based on His directives and inspiration. A great way to start the day!

    God bless...
