


Please watch this video. Think about the growth and changes from baby to girl to woman and then to old woman. Then please come back and read my thoughts about the aging process.

As I looked through the emerging drawing of child to woman I was really taken at the beauty that women have as they move through the stages of their lives. Unfortunately many do not see it. We second guess ourselves through our lives as to who we are. Little girls who are younger than ten years old worry about whether or not they are fat, do they need a nose job, are they as cute as some other girl in school with them.

The powers that be bring these doubts and insecurities into the spotlight when magazine photos make an eleven year old look fourteen or a seventeen year old wearing makeup that makes her look twenty one. Women try to look older up until a point and then they work on the other side of the coin...trying to look ten years younger then they are. Exercising is healthy thing to do, but, through constant exercise in extreme is not healthy at all, many women do just that. In the process, all we are trying to do is fit ourselves into a cookie cutter version of beauty, coolness, and whatever we desire that might make us feel more comfortable in our own skin, comfortable in our walking boots, and comfortable in our comparison of ourselves to others.

On top of all of that we are also haunted by what people think and say to and about us. We hunger after the approval of people when we should search God's word for what He thinks of us.  This is what is found about what He does and thinks of us in His word...

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Psalm 139:13-15

Heavenly Father...Help me to remember what a wonder You created when You created Your children. Help me to remember that I am Your child and as such I am wondrous. Help me to discount the lies of the enemy when he is trying to undermine my thinking and my positive self image. Remind me of the beauty we have at every age as we grow older. Help me to appreciate myself as the work of art that You created. Amen

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to forget that God did not make any junk. We second guess ourselves and are never satisfied. this you tube video shows that we are beautiful at every age. Let us hold on to what God tells us and not what the world tells us.
