
"Our Helper"...Wednesday

I am ever mindful and extremely thankful for our Helper the Holy Spirit. There have been many of times that I was not certain of things and the Holy Spirit showed up at that given moment.
God's Word tells us in 

John 14:26 
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father
will send in My name ,
He will teach you all things,
 and bring to your remembrance 
all things that I said to you."
I truly love that promise from our Heavenly Father. It is a guarantee that the Holy Spirit will be there to give us understanding and clarity of His Word. When we need help in praying, the Holy Spirit will teach us how. When we can't remember certain verses the Holy Spirit will bring them to our remembrance.

The Lord knew we were going to need all that extra help and so thankful He provided the Holy Spirit!
In His Glorious Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. How privileged we are to be able to offer the Holy Spirit a "home" in our temple. And once He has moved in He does not act like a privileged guest expecting to be waited on and pampered. He sets to work as a mentor and teacher helping us to keep on track and be closer to how we were created to be. Our requirement in the arrangement is that we communicate with Him and follow His leading. Amazing!

    God bless...
