
Organize and Plan....Tuesday

So much to think about. Thanksgiving is less then three weeks away and will be closely followed by Christmas. It is a time of celebration, and it is also a time when busyness can seem to overtake us. That leaves us exhausted and challenged to even relax and enjoy the season. Even more important to worship God for His gifts given during these holidays. The phrase, "Stop and smell the roses." (or the pine needles) comes to mind. 

I am already trying to gear up while it is early so that I will not be crazed at the last minute. Added to the regular needs of the season I will be leaving for Bangladesh two days after Christmas. So added to all the  things to do will be getting gifts to take with us and planning our packing. Just writing about it makes my heart start to beat a little faster. The thing I want to remain unspoiled is my worship and thankfulness to God at both holidays. I also want to remain mindful of the "Reason for the Season." So I have already made my list and checked it lots of times. I am trying to organize and chip away at the things I want to do so that it will not pile into a mountain in December. 

We often think of trying to have the mind of God and of striving to be more like Him. Well there is no scripture showing that God was planning ahead to celebrate holidays and such. However, I found this scripture of how God planned everything from before the time of the foundation of the earth. He planned for His gift of Jesus. He planned for us and our place in the unfolding of His amazing plan. He chose us to become part of His family.

It even says that He found pleasure in planning all these things. Hallelujah!

How blessed is God! And what a blessing He is!
He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ,
and takes us 
to the high places of blessing in Him.
Long before 
He laid down earth’s foundations, 
He had us in mind, had settled on us as
the focus of his love,
to be made whole 
and holy by His love. Long, long ago He decided
to adopt us into His family through Jesus Christ.
(What pleasure He took in 
planning this!)
He wanted us to enter into the celebration of
His lavish gift-giving by the hand of His beloved Son.

Ephesians 1:3-6

Father, I want to thank You for the plans You made before time. I am making plans now. I ask you to help me to take the kind of joy in fulfilling these plans I have made as much as you took pleasure in making your plans. Please help me to be organized and realistic of the what needs to be done and to prioritize. Help me to keep the stress at a minimum as I move through the next forty five days. Thank you God. Amen

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. So often we let stress take over and when that happens the joy of this season is diminished. Plan ahead and prioritize, and you will be able to enjoy the celebrations in a way you never have been able to in the past.

    God bless...
