
"Trust Fully In The Lord"...Wednesday


Why is it that I would ever doubt our Powerful Lord can handle every difficult situation that I will ever face. He is our ultimate, powerful God and is always ready to take care of His sons and daughters.

In Psalm 37:3 His Word says...

"Trust in the Lord, and do good;
 Dwell in the land,
and feed on His faithfulness."

We are encouraged to Trust in the Lord and Him alone. God is the one that will see us through the storms. God is the one that will help us in our time of trouble. God is the one that will give us full assurance that as we Trust in Him, He is more than able to take good care of us.

He has our very best of interest in mind and knows that as we trust Him we will feel secure in His wonderful arms. There is no other place that I would rather be than in the solid, strong arms of my Blessed Jesus!

In His Arms, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. When we trust in the Lord and try to do good then we are on the yellow brick road to where the Lord is taking us. We do not always have to be perfect we just have to attempt to do good, and then we are on our way.

    God bless...
