


"In my Father's house are many rooms; 
if it were not so, I would have told you.  
I am going there to prepare a place for you." 
John 14:2

     I like have a Garmin device in my car so when I need directions they are clear and accurate.  It's no fun becoming lost when trying to get someplace.

     When you take a friend's address you expect it to be accurate so you can arrive at your destination.  You do pay attention to the directions or you won't get there.  People would rather rely on this sort of mapping device than taking directions from God.

     Christians are accused of being narrow minded to say that Jesus is the only way of salvation, the only way to God's house.  But God couldn't have been more clear to us as He wants us to be there with Him.  He sent His Son to procure salvation for us and then give it to us as a free gift for faith in Jesus.  Then Jesus rose from the dead to give us eternal life.  Then He ascended into heaven to the Father's house to get our rooms ready for us.


     This couldn't be more clear.  God is prepared to welcome His children home.  He doesn't want us to get lost on the way.  Why do so many people reject God's clear directions?  If you insist on doing it your own way you'll never reach your heavenly home.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. These are the words of a song...

    "Eye has not seen
    Ear has not heard
    What God has ready
    For those who love Him."

    Breathtaking to even try to imagine it.Our earthbound understandings are not possible. Get ready to be blown away...not literally!
