
Share Your Joy...Friday

December 5, 2014
One of my wonderful sisters gave me a calendar a few years back with a daily reading on it.  It is one of those that can be used any year, as it has only the date on it.  It is titled “Always My Sister”.  Well, I have never had it in a convenient spot to see and read it every day until recently.  I finally figured out that I should put it on my desk at work, since I happen to be here every day, except weekends, so it works quite well.  I love it!  December 2nd reads as follows:

“To act lovingly is to begin to feel loving, and certainly,
to act joyfully brings joy to others,
which in turn makes one feel joyful. 
I believe we are called to the duty of delight.”
Dorothy Day

This is so in tune to what my thoughts and goals have been lately.  Coming out of a very tough time of depression relating to where I am in my life, I have really been reaching out to my beautiful God to guide me in the right direction.  Committing to serving where needed in order to keep me connected in the right places, as well, as spoiling myself with fun times with my girlfriends.

It is unfortunate that my general disposition is to be despondent, and I sometimes have to force myself to see through it; however, even then I still have so much joy to share with all others, because He has given me so very much!!    I say ALL others because currently I have been pretty hurt by a couple of them, and it is so hard for me to be nice to those people, let alone share joy with them!  Also, it can be a real challenge to share joy with people that are just not nice in general.  But, you know what, that is what God wants me to do, and what I need and want to do in order for me to be happy in this life on earth.

Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 (NIV)
What better reason to have joy that to know that we are honoring our highest King.  Also, there is no better time of year to start or to continue sharing that most precious joy than as we are celebrating the birth of our Savoir, Jesus Christ.  Join me in sharing the forever joy of our hearts with all people we encounter in our daily life.  It will make a difference to everyone you pass by, and the greatest joy is that you could very well even save a life, just by using your smile and words as a transporter of our heavenly Father’s gift of joy!

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns


  1. When we share out joy, the result is that our own joy increases exponentially. So share your joy, receive others' shared joy and joy will fill the world with a wave that cannot be forseen!

  2. I Love being able to see myself as a, "..transporter of our Heavenly Father's Joy!" Thank you, Kelly. OoxoO
