
"Delight Yourself In Jesus"...Wednesday


In the past several days I have experienced two incidences where the Lord clearly gave me the desires of my heart. In fact they both came to pass without delay.
In Psalm 37:4 it says...

"Delight yourself also 
in the Lord, 
And He shall give you 
the desires of your heart."

Isn't that just like the Lord??? He is ecstatic when we delight ourselves in Him. That is why He created us. He loves it when we love on Him and hang out with Him. One of the perks in doing so is that Jesus gives us the desires of our heart.
I know that He was grinning from ear to ear when those two desires of my heart were fulfilled. Not only does He want us to delight in Him, but the Lord deeply delights in us! 

I plan on making that a way of life all of my days on this earth and eternally!!

Delighting in Him! 
Sandy Billingham


  1. (If you cannot read the words on the second picture click on it, and it will enlarge.)

    I love it that not only I delight in Him, but also He delights in me when I am delighting in Him. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

    God bless...

  2. Sandy, I love your enthusiasm and joyful awe! Right now, I am riding a train through the fog, sitting backwards! I don't need to see where we are going, because I know who created the ground the tracks were laid on. Have a day filled with the Joy of Our Lord!
