
What God Sees...Thursday


But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.
               Isaiah 43:1

To say that trees are beautiful is an observation that is apparent. They are homes for birds to build nests in. They provide shade for the sizzling days of summer. In fact, where would we be without trees...in a desert perhaps.        

We all appreciate trees when Spring comes and the bright green leaves start to present themselves...when the pinkness of flowers give us a warm fuzzy feeling. Then there are the amazing shade trees that we can hide under in the summer.

Well, I was looking at trees in fall when the leaves have fallen off and left them naked. They look so lovely with their lacy limbs exposed. That is the time when you can see the bare bones of a tree...the beautiful lacy skeleton of all that encompasses the beauty of a tree when it is unveiled. Without this skeleton of lacy branches the new spring look of pale greenness would not be. Without this skeleton the full dark green shade of summer also would not be.

People look at us and they are distracted by the lush greenery of our outer looks. The trappings that cover us in beauty...of clothing, of talent, or of makeup and all the things that they world finds to present and to show that someone is special...a work of art so to speak. What God looks at is the bare bones...the skeleton...and sees the true wonder of who we really are...the bare bones of the skeleton that is there. He does not need to have all the trappings of beauty, He sees us as we are...pure and beautiful as He has made us. For God there is no need of trappings that cover who He has created us to be. He loves the bare bones of who He has created us to be. 

Written by
Corinne Mustafa  


1 comment:

  1. I could have gone on and on about the strength of trees...the place they held in the life of Christ,...the beauty. However, I chose to write about the amazing beauty of the trees which is only truly seen in winter. This is when the innate beauty can be seen...when their lovely branches in their delicate beauty is at the most obvious. When God looks at us the pure beauty of who we are to Him is seen and loved. There is no need for us to be clothed in "leaves" that mask who we are inside. He sees us and loves us just as He created us without need for accessories that mask our reality.

    God bless....
