


"The man who fears God 
will avoid all extremes."
Ecclesiastes 7:18b

Have you ever noticed that life is a series of tasks with fluctuations which never remain the same?  Most of us live our lives going from completing one task to moving onto the next.  Or as we're working on something we have to be flexible enough to change mid way.  we never stop growing and changing.

     In the midst of this observation, I have also seen that it is best to avoid extremes.  Moderation should be the key to everything.

     As a nurse, I have seen many people live in one direction or the other.  Either they avoid something all together, or, if they eat it or take it as a medicine, they figure more is better.  However, for example, too much exercise can be as detrimental to a person as no exercise at all.

     Extremes are seen in people who succumb to addictions -- too much alcohol so they become drunk, too many cigarettes so it costs them their health, too much food so they become obese, too little food so they become malnourished.  The list goes on.

     God has given us our lives and the provisions we need to enjoy and maintain our health if we only learn moderation.  Take some time to evaluate your habits and life style to see if they're in proper alignment with avoiding extremes.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Everything in moderation! Thanks for the reminder, Carol.
