
Faith and Hope....Friday

December 26, 2014 

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead 
and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
1 Peter 1:21 NIV 

Yes, I believe in God, therefore, I am holding onto this scripture.  My faith and hope are in God.  Prior to this I had been holding on to so many ways of this world that are not the most amazing things to hold on to.  I know now that holding on to these worldly possessions are causing me to be stuck where I am.  I have a few days of being unstuck and then I back track again; present problem being my lack of commitment to faith and hope.

Faith in Action
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for 
and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV

That is the struggle that I have.  It is really hard for me to feel confident in something that I can not see.  It has been my pattern of learning and trusting thus far in my life to see, feel, and do a thing in order to be confident in it and do it well.  So my new pattern to learn is to read and trust in my bible and what it teaches me about faith; the faith to have the hope to get me to the other side of this struggle.  It is no longer acceptable to have faith for a moment, a day, or even a week….I must have it constantly and continually.  When I do this the hope will come.  The new life living in faith and hope will take me to the life I want of freedom….freedom living in the love of God.  Loving myself and my life as God has intended me to do so.

We are foreigners and strangers in your sight,
as were all our ancestors.
Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.
1 Chronicles 29:15 NIV 

So as we begin a new year, I as well, will begin a new lifestyle; a lifestyle of living continually with faith and hope.

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns

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