
Thursday, January 1, 2015

From Grumbling to Gratefulness
A few weeks back, a friend of mine told me about a goal she was setting.  I’m sure it was around Thanksgiving because it had to do with thankfulness.  I told her I would do the same thing, but I have failed to do so.  Instead, I’ve done more mumbling and grumbling than anything else.  I’ve had the most difficult time finding joy over the last several weeks and I know it has to do with all the complaining.  And it’s not like I don’t have a reason to complain.  It seems like anything that can happen has happened.  Well, here I am at the end of this year which has turned out to be one of the least joyful holiday seasons I’ve had.   So, I’m going to attempt one more time to do what my friend succeeded in, and that’s to find the little things that God leaves for me throughout the day and week that are a blessing to me.  They are called little pleasures and treasures.  What better way could there possibly be to begin a brand new year than to count my blessings?

First off, I want to say how thankful I am for my neighbor and friend who has allowed me to use her clothes dryer after mine broke just seconds before we left the house on Christmas Eve to visit family.  Yesterday, a crown popped off my tooth as I was flossing my teeth.  I called the dentist, but they could not get me in until January 8th.  It could’ve turned out to be a painful and embarrassing New Years for me.  However, there’s no pain associated with the tooth, and the location is back far enough that nobody can see it even when smiling.  I also cannot tell you how grateful I am for the young man who is coming to take care of our elderly dog so we can visit my parents for a couple days.  And finally what brings relief to my mind and joy to my heart is that fact that my frail grandmother who has suffered for months with excruciating painful broken bones in her twisted back, is now on the mend and feeling some relief.

The truth is, these are the big things, and there are a few little things I could mention, but I think I will wait and write about them next week.  I will also do my best not to grumble about broken machines and body parts.  And I will consider it a blessing to worry for the precious aging loved ones in my life. 

Amie Spruiell 12/31/2014

1 comment:

  1. It has taken me a while toget to this. Still getting acclimated to being in Bangladesh. When you wrote this I was still in Dhaka having a challenge separating night from day in the time shift I was in. Then we traveled to the village with it's own challenges. Still I have major reasons to be grateful....too many to list, but I am going to look at the small reasons that often get overlooked. The sweetness of my family here in the village who always show their value for me and welcome.

    God bless...
