
Blessings and Beginnings... Friday

January 2, 2015

I am taking this time to reflect on the many blessings that I have in my life, such as my first born son turning 30 years old today! Also, I am so grateful for the fact that my younger son and I drove to Las Vegas to surprise him for his birthday. What an incredible time to be able to share with family. I am so happy and blessed to be mom to these two amazing sons!! My biggest goal in life was to be a mom, and I was able to do that. Raising them was not always easy…..there were some very challenging times, however, the more challenging times I have gone through are over the last couple of years, ever since my youngest graduated high school and is pretty much independent, and even though he still lives with me, I have had the hardest time adjusting to life on my own. The Empty Nest Syndrome, as it is called. This sure caught me of guard, as I looked forward to this time and having freedom. Wow, that it not what I expected. Don’t get me wrong, I am so very grateful that they are doing so well, and as so many friends have told me…. that proves that I did an amazing job of raising them!!! So blessed from God for these wonderful young men!!

With the beginning of this New Year I am taking the opportunity to get a stronger faith and connection with my Lord Jesus. Over the last couple of years I have been more depressed and emotional than I ever have been in my life. I have periods of doing well followed by periods of deep sadness. It has been a very trying and confusing time for me. I have self medicated, hidden my feelings, avoided things and situations…..I have come up with many ways of getting through it, but, in the end, always going back to the sadness. I got to the point a few weeks ago of being angry with God, and with that having a conversation with him asking WHY??? I need a new beginning!!

Psalm 143:10 (573 kb)I know now that I have not been completely turning my life over to Him. I keep taking control back. I need to absolutely let it go!! I know that works….I have done it in the past; however, I guess it is my natural instinct to take control, as I have had to do that so much my whole adult life. With marriages not working out and having to keep it together as the main provider of shelter, food and all other life necessities, I have had a hard time letting control go. With that being said….I am now determined to give Him the absolute power to guide my life. I am going to walk and live by faith from here on out. God, I give you the control of my life to do your will, in Jesus’ name. Amen

written by Kelly Dobyns

Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith

1 comment:

  1. If you succeed in giving Him control you will gain so much that you never imagined, and they will fit you perfectly just as a suit measured and made by a tailor fits the person it is made for,'

    God bless...
