
RICHES... Saturday

January 3, 2015

"... though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them." -- Psalm 62:10b

     With the stock market crash of 2008 and the housing market decline about the same time, one would think people would realize that it doesn't pay to set your heart on riches as they can be gone in an instant.

     Yet, I meet a lot of people who are never content with what they have and are always working for more and more.  People sometimes let the quest for wealth take over their lives to the detriment of their health and at the expense of their family life.
1Tim6 Love of Money
     God has promised to provide for all of our needs without this frantic scrambling for more and more.  He wants us to center our hearts on something more lasting -- heavenly matters.  Our hope should not be in the fragile and fleeting things of this world but should be centered on Jesus.  He will never fail in His promises.  His promises don't go up-and-down with the Dow Jones averages.  What He gives you is so lasting you can take it with you right into eternity.

     When you die, EVERYTHING you possess materially in this world will be left behind you.  Find your riches in your relationship with Jesus and His kingdom.    
Psalm 62 | Creative Project #2

written by Carol Steficek


  1. Especially as we enter the new year and people set resolutions and goals - may our ultimate goal be to bring Glory to God!

  2. Whhat a great reminder to center not on the work of this world for gain and for possessions that will become as dust as we pass away. We must focus on the things that matter...things that God leads us to that give Him glory and us peace.

    God bless...
