

Devotional for 1/4/15

When you walk in the dark, you can easily hurt yourself, from a stubbed toe on an immovable object, to falling into a chasm with nothing to stop you.  Many people wander through life in darkness, not knowing why they are here or where they are going.  Or they may have decided to reject God outright and follow evil ways without a second thought.  We all actually have this tendency as part of our human nature, and we all fall short of fully following God daily.  This can lead to spiritual death and ultimately eternal death if nothing is done.  All of us need to come to the realization that we need light to best find our way through life.  We all need a spiritual awakening, whether it is a gradual growth with daily repentance or a sudden inspirational event with a clear vision.

Thankfully, God provides us with the light.  First, he sent the Savior into the world to bring that light to all who do not reject his free gift.  Then he gave us his Holy Spirit to help keep that faith light shining within us, whether it is just a tiny glimmer of an ember, or a roaring bonfire.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.  Isaiah 9:2  
Isaiah 9:2 (53 kb)
We celebrate Epiphany this week, on January 6th, which is the remembrance of the coming of the Magi who followed the bright star in the sky to find and worship the "king of the Jews."  This light in the sky reminds us of the light coming into our lives, awakening us to God's salvation in Jesus, just as the coming of the wise men symbolized the sharing of the Light of Life and salvation with the Gentiles, the spiritual awakening brought to the whole world.

Thank you, dear Father in heaven, for sending your Son to earth to die in our place and rise again in order to pay for our sinfulness and for sending your Spirit to light and fan the flames of faith in our hearts.  Help us to see where we have done wrong, and to make amends to you through repentance, a complete turning around from our sinful shortcomings.  Thank you for continually forgiving us and helping us to serve you, shining your light to the world.  May all that we think, say and do bring you glory.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. When the people in darkness see the great light nothing is ever the same for them. Let us all pray for people who do not have the light...reach out to them so that they may learn of that Light and run towards it.

    God bless...
