

Devotional for 1/18/15

We all have some kind of chains.  And I'm not talking about the proverbial ball and chain!  For some it is a simple habit they cannot break.  For others it is something holding them back from closer contact with God.  And for still others it can be an addiction of some sort wreaking havoc with their lives.  Sometimes the heaviest chains are those within the mind, such as low self esteem or even severe depression. Heavy chains can really drag us down, leading to the depths of gloom and despair.  Of course, multiple chains can also be at issue.

The most difficult chain from which to break free is when we reject God.  Sometimes that rebuff is subtle, like when we tell a "little white lie" to save face, or when we disobey a law as simple as speeding which is an offense against authority.  These seemingly insignificant rejections of God's law can be the most insidious.  It's easier to recognize rejection of God when it involves totally turning one's back on Him and choosing some other god to follow, or no god at all.

We have a gracious and merciful God.  In spite of how we turn our backs on Him, or how many times, he grabs us by the shoulders and turns us back around, breaking us free from our chains of sinfulness.  Sometimes we try to repair or even replace those chains, to go back to those behaviors that disconnect us from God.  Again and again, God is forgiving and breaks our chains to restore us.

 Psalm 107:14:
"He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains."

We thank you, our Heavenly Father, for sending your Son to break our chains of sinful behaviors and restore us as your freely forgiven children.  As we let go of those familiar chains, may your Holy Spirit give us a strong faith like a magnet that keeps us closely connected with you.  Help us to also forgive others and to show them your loving kindness.  Continue to walk with us through the valleys of darkness and lead us to the highest mountains of glory.  In Jesus' name, AMEN

written by Jan Andersen 

Song: Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone, by Chris Tomlin

1 comment:

  1. When I stop to think about this topic which enjoys the mercy and forgiveness of God I believe and trust but I never cease to be amazed that this is so. I rejoice and give thanks that why we were still sinners Christ died for us. What an incredible God. What a blest people we are because of this favor we receive from God!

    God bless...
