
THE RIGHT PATH... Saturday

Devotional for  1/17/15

"You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." -- Psalm 16:11

Psalm 16:11 – Path Of Life Papel de Parede Imagem

     Many people are looking for the right path and never find it.  Their lives are filled with addictions which don't satisfy, with excesses that are never fulfilling, with ideas and thoughts that never answer life's basic questions, with money that looks to more greed, with power that eventually destroys, with fame that fades like flowers in the sun.  The list goes on.

     Only God knows the path to a joy-filled and fulfilling life.  It is by seeking His presence and following His ways.  It only stands to reason that the God who created each of us is the One who knows how to give us what is best.  He knows each of us better than we know ourselves and wants to give us the very best life has to offer.  All true pleasures can only be found in a relationship with Him.  Jesus Christ gives us the only right path to God.

written by Carol Steficek

Song: Every Day Your Love Is New, by Esterlyn

1 comment:

  1. You have hit the nail on the head. The path to a joy-filled and fulfilling life is by seeking His presence and following His ways. May we all attempt to do this and make it our way of life.

    God bless
