
Happiness From Above... Friday

Devotional for January 9, 2015

Happy….Happy…..Happy…..What a great way to feel!!!

I just want to take this time today to share about being happy. I have struggled so much with not being able to be happy. Most recently has been the most difficult. I have often thought that something has to be wrong with me. Especially when you get judged by others that don’t understand and think that you can just snap out of it.

Today I am here to say that God truly loves us so much! He loves us through the sadness, and the happiness….in fact, he loves us through it all!! He never ever gives up on us, His children. This fact is giving me an incredible amount of comfort currently. Recently being at a point of wanting to give up on myself, just so tired of the battle, but, you know what…..God would not let me give up….He knows my heart and He knew it was time to give me a reminder of how much He loves me.

Deuteronomy 31:8 English Standard Version (ESV)

8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Today I am able to smile, give love and feel love in return. Because of His help, I am able to see the light…..I now know that I can move onward and upward. I am capable of getting myself out of that pit I have been dwelling in. I am making plans and finding joy in each moment. He picked me up when I was down and has shown me the beauty of this life on earth. Yes, challenging, yes, we have to work for things, yes, other humans can be hurtful, but, with my mind following my heart that is filled with God’s love, I know that I will carry on and shine His light once again. I am putting that smile on my face, that special smile showing God’s love, the one that He has given me to share here on earth; just one of His little ways of spreading happiness.

Philippians 4:13 (31 kb)

Philippians 4:13 English Standard Version (ESV)
13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

written by Kelly Dobyns


  1. Kelly whenever I see you your beautiful smile makes me happy. I have never seen you without that smile of welcome and loving on your face. It gives me joy. Keep on keeping on...you make a difference to many. People like you always do.

    God bless...

    1. I love you, Corinne!! You are such an inspiration to me and I am always so grateful that you saw something in me and my writing that no one else has ever seen!! XOXO
