

Devotional for 1/10/15

"Hear, O Lord, my righteous plea; listen to my cry.  Give ear to my prayer -- it does not rise from deceitful lips." -- Psalm 17:1

     If you have read through the psalms, you will notice that in many of them prayer is portrayed as a "cry" to God.  Prayer is not just "talking" with God.  Prayer is much more.

     Prayer is to be an expression of who we are talking with, our God who delights to hear from us.  We should be pouring out our hearts to God.  After all, He knows us intimately and nothing is hidden from Him.  We should be expressing our doubts, our fears, our wants, our desires, our faith, and our hopes to Him.

     David often struggled with prayer and what was happening in his life.  It was only through his cries that he was given relief and peace in the midst of the unknown.

     God has a willing ear whenever we cry to Him.  God Himself is the fulfillment of our cries.  Pray your heart out.

Written by Carol Steficek

Cry Out to Jesus - by Third Day

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