
One WORD resolution for the year...Thursday


A while back I posted something I had garnered from the Christian Radio Station...KLOVE which pointed out that by the end of the first week of January most people who make the regular resolutions have already fallen off the wagon. This article suggested that perhaps we should pray and ask God to give us one word that will be our word for the entire year...letting the word guide and teach us for 365 days. Quite a few of my friends have done this. Words like HOPE, BELIEVE, HOLD, and RELIANT/SELF-RELIANT are a few of the words that have been chosen. 

I spoke with a friend a few nights ago and she was telling me about a catastrophic mistake that she had in her business. She told me that she was always doing what she wanted to, and sometimes her priorities were not in sync with the reality of necessity. She called that sin, because she was not doing the right thing that would please God. I have been thinking about that. I never thought of such things as sin. Here is how I decided on my word for 2015.

                                              The word SIN keeps coming to my mind
Not as negative as you would think at first consideration.

The Bible has a verse that says
We all avoid the things that are bad to do.
For instance most of us would never try to do something
murdering someone or stealing someone's car.

Sin in this verse is when we do little things 
that we don't think of as sin but as only shortcomings.
The key part is "fall short of the glory of God."
Would Jesus tell a white lie?Would it be okay to be lazy and ignore responsibilities?

Do we have idols that keep us away from those responsibilities...
such as too much of anything 
like the computer or TV, drinking
 gambling or overspending, etc?

There are so may things that we let
come in place of the glory 
we were created to have.

I want to clean up my act, 
try to do first things first, and not waste so much time.
To strive to always be in the will of God.

So I am going to be more cognizant of the little things that I just excuse in myself as just a bad habit or something that I enjoy and spend time on regardless of my responsibilities.
I want to study my choices in behavior and in all areas and see them through the same lens that God looks at us through.

I would like to invite you to pick the one word that will drive you throughout 2015. I know that God in His complete focus on our lives and needs will lead us to many new understandings and to help the word we choose be a source of learning and improvement in everything we do.

Dear Lord...give us one word to lead us in our growth in love and righteousness in you for this year. Help us to hear your voice and study every thought and leading the word you give us to Your glory.......Amen

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

1 comment:

  1. I love this....I had chosen the word faith, and actually started a blog to write about it. I need to focus more on that. Especially today, as I need a fill up of faith today! Thank you for sharing, Beautiful Corinne!! xoxo
