
Stay Fixed On Jesus... Wednesday

Devotional for 1/21/15                          
In this world we have millions of distractions that can take our eyes off of Jesus quite quickly. On top of that there is the daily grind of staying abreast of life's responsibilities. And..... not to mention, keeping up with our family in multiple situations that we face.
But there truly is a solution to the madness that is going on all around us! God's Word tells us in Isaiah 26:3 "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You."
I am sure we can all attest to the fact that God's Word works! When my mind and heart and eyes are focused on Christ, even in the midst of scary situations, I am at peace. I can function well and go about life walking in His perfect peace. Ahhhh, but when I begin to focus on the problem and all the "what ifs", I can get very anxious and turn into a basket case and really be in trouble!
The Lord has instructed us specifically to keep our mind on Him, because He knows the outcome when we don't. After all, He created us! He knows us inside and out! He knows as we fix our eyes on Him, we can trust Him completely and stay in constant prayer. We will experience His presence and perfect peace every time and expect His goodness to flow in our lives. That is where I want my heart to be always, for there is nothing like basking in His perfect peace.

 Isaiah 26:3 (104 kb)

In His Perfect Peace,

Sandy Billingham

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