
Perfect Peace From Christ... Wednesday

Devotional for 1/7/15

I ran across this quote today and felt compelled to share it as a part of this devotion. No God ~ No Peace ~ Know God ~ Know Peace

Isn't that just like our God? In knowing Him we can have complete peace. In fact the greater our intimacy with the Lord, greater is the peace we can experience in Him. 

His Word tells us in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

The world cannot give us true peace. Only counterfeit through many avenues such as alcohol, drugs, food and the like. Knowing Christ as our Personal Savior and spending time in worship, prayer and in His Word, we can bask in His perfect peace.

That is one of the great benefits and perks in being His children. That is,having access to His peace that He richly pours out on us amongst so many other things as well.

I am ever so grateful for the Peace that Jesus has given onto us. His Peace is the real deal!!

In His Perfect Peace,
Sandy Billingham

My Peace - Maranatha Singers:

1 comment:

  1. I love this saying. It is so wise and filled with truth. Without God there is no peace. He is the only one who can really lead us into peace...peace not as the world gives but eternal peace that cannot be taken away from us.

    God bless..
