
What are you willing to do?...Tuesday


I am in Bangladesh now, and I am observing their culture here. They love their children and young mothers spend a lot of time following them around...not very different. Some husbands from villages go to the cities to work and only get home every year or every other year...very different. Preparing food in the village is an all day affair. Cutting vegetables and meet and cooking on a gas stove or over a wood fire. One meal is served and cleaned up. Then another meal starts preparation. Fruits and vegetables are always fresh. In the middle of all of this they chase after children; they hand wash clothing in the ponds; they never stop.

When I compare the jobs are the same, but how to accomplish them is very different. It is hard to actually and really understand how blessed we are. Even the people who are relatively well off have challenges that we know nothing about.

In the middle of this they stop to pray.They pray five times a day. If they live close to a mosque the call to prayer can be heard as a call is made from the minaret to remind everyone that it is time to pray. They put their prayer rug down and pray. Now I am not implying that we do not pray. I know so many devout women who have God at the center of their lives. However it does strike me as sad that my family members are clueless about Jesus. Still they pray with devotion to the god as they understand him.

This whole thing reminds me of a song that was popular...maybe thirty or so years ago. I tried for more than a half hour to find the song but I could not. I can explain it however. The song mentions several groups and cults that work in a missionary way totally dedicated to to their beliefs and promoting the to the world. They followed their ways and gave up life for them. One of these groups was the Hari Krishna people who used to be at the airports handing out their pamphlets and trying to gain followers. They were famous for their orange robes and sandaled feet. 

The song asks the question, 
"Would you do for the truth what they do for a lie?"

 The Bible says...
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

Today I ask and invite you to prayer for our Moslem sisters and brothers to find Jesus and learn of the salvation He offers. Please mention my family specifically. Let their willingness to reach for God become doing it for the truth and not for an untruth (for a lie).

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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