
She’ll Never Break His Heart... Thursday

Devotional for 1/29/15

I’m really starting to enjoy this habit of looking for the little “treasures and pleasures” that God gives us every day. I’m noticing them more and more. I’m also asking God to make me more appreciative of these little things. I know there’s more that He gives me than I’m actually realizing, so I have to ask that He helps me to recognize them.

Psalm 37:4 (24 kb)

I’m not the kind of person who looks out the window and says, “Oh look! The sun’s out today!” And just like, I’m in a good mood. I tend to just think about all the chores I need to do. It immediately gets me grumbling. It’s my attitude that needs to change. So, now when something really gets me smiling, I’ll declare it as a gift from God and I’ll try to remember it as often as I can…sometimes for several days until there’s another little pleasure that I can treasure. It’s these things that help my attitude to improve throughout the day.

The latest one that’s been keeping me going for a few days now came to my mind Sunday night while lying in bed drifting off to sleep. God reminded me of something that happened that day, and it made me smile from ear to ear. It felt like such a gift to breathe in such joy at the end of my day. I still smile when I think about it.

You see my 17 year old son has had to go through what many of us go through as a young person…a broken heart. It’s taken several weeks for him to find closure in the matter. The drama began before Thanksgiving, and this last Sunday I finally felt like it was completely over. After weeks of a roller coaster of emotions, there was one last confrontation with the young lady involved. She gave to my son a bag of stuff. There was a sweatshirt he had given to her that she gave back, a letter, and some pictures of him that she gave back as well. It was not an easy thing for him to look through.

Well, he decided to toss out the shirt and the letter (no need to keep dragging this on, after all), and I took the pictures and slipped them under the visor in my car. After just two weeks of enjoying my handsome son looking at me whenever I was driving around, he took them out of my car and gave them to another girl.

Now I’m a little sad that I don’t get to enjoy them anymore. And I wasn’t expecting such a decision on his part. However, he was careful about who he chose to give them to. You see we were all enjoying our lunch after church when he was asked by this other girl if he had found another girlfriend yet. He responded to the question with a “no” answer, and a few minutes later went out to the car and got the photos of himself to give to her. She was very pleased to receive them and asked that he write his name on the back as well as the date they were taken.

He did so and after a few minutes of admiring the pictures of her great grandson, she said, “Thank you.” I then leaned over and told my grandma that those were the pictures he had given to the girl who broke his heart. She smiled at me. Then he put them up on her china cabinet so she can see them all the time.

Now that his broken heart is mending and he’s putting all this drama behind him, he seems like a much happier person. He’s talking more to us (his father and me), wrestling more with his brothers, and thinking more of his future. That definitely makes me smile, but not as much as the sweet gesture he made of giving those pictures to someone very deserving. I think he made a good choice giving them to his great grandmother he calls, GG. I know she’ll never break his heart. And I’m so glad God brought it to my mind. I smile every time I think about it…even while I’m doing all of my chores.

Written by Amie Spruiell  

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful illustration for us all. If we give our best to those who are the most deserving, we will receive greater joy than we could have imagined! When we give God the glory for all of our gifts, we can be overwhelmed by the power of His Perfect Love! Thank you, Amie!
